Sunday, July 16, 2006

Week 23

Week 23

I am in my tri semester now and happy about it. Couldn't wait to see our baby who is rolling around inside me and makes strong kicking when I watch movie with high volume. I feel great tho I am big and heavy.

Try to exercise every night bed while watching TV - which is why the pain around my pelvic is less than before, I guess. We had some beautiful summer days and went up to Bymarka to enjoy the sunshine and watch Abigail playing in the lake.

I enjoy cleaning the house trying to get rid of all the rubbish and put away our old stuff to make more space and room. Did some shopping for the house with Caroline and still need more things to make our small apartment nice to live in with 4 people. Still a lot to do.

Had a chance to take Abigail swimming with Intan and Sandra which I really enjoyed. I was lucky at my first pregnancy because I could go swimming regularly from my course which was free, but not this time, I am afraid. It will cost a lot of money. But it's all right, I have enough exercise doing all the work around the house and going out with Abigail.

Need to be carefull with the kind of fish I have. Salmon is good and luckily it's affordable here. Will have less mackrel, which I like a lot.

Read more on this article

What's Going on with Your Body?
You're feeling like a human jungle gym! It’s a rockin’ and rollin’ in there! Since there’s still room to move, that little guy or gal is using it all! Somewhere around now, you may have an internal exam to check your cervix for risk of preterm labor.

What's Going on with Your Baby?
The fetus weighs about 500 grams. If it is born at less than 500 grams, it might survive with disabilities. If it is born weighing over 500 grams, it may be able to survive and thrive.

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