Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Check-up with midwife


Today at noon, I had a check-up with meadwife for the first time. I gained 2 kgs which makes me 60,2 kg. Blood pressure 110/63. Had a nice and quite long talk with her. The check-up itself is not different with the one with the doctor which is the heart beat checking, taking measurement and urine test.

The baby is moving stronger and more often now. I feel great. No complaints at all. Try to drink a lot and stay away from the sunshine tho the summer is really beautiful and I want to stay outside.

We went to buy the present for Abigail's 3rd birthday right from the health center - which was unplanned at all. The wheather was so nice and we had been planning to dine out to celebrate her birthday. We got a nice bike on offer for Abigail, great window shopping for me - with some purchases for me, the baby and Abigail, and nice dinner for all of us at EGON.

That's all for today. It's been a nice and busy day.

What's going on with your baby?

The fetus may weigh two pounds now and is busy growing a bigger brain! The lungs are beginning to make surfactant, which keep the lung tissues from sticking to each other and help protect against infection once baby is born.

This week, your baby may now be able to open and close his or her eyes.

The baby’s length is about 9.25 inches long (head to rump).

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